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Showing posts from September, 2019

Episode 18: Ms. Marvel #4 (2014)

In this weeks episode Alex and Drew discuss issue #4 of Ms. Marvel from 2014 as well as the recent news that Spider-Man is once again in the MCU. The recording/releasing schedule was tight for this week, so I'm sorry if the editing isn't up to our normal standards.  If you listen and prefer this less refined product, let us know. If you prefer the more edited version (with less umms, and so's) let us know that too! Do you have favorite panels from Ms. Marvel or favorite Easter eggs from within the panels? Share them with us here or on social media! We would love to talk about the amazing art in upcoming issues! And as always, if there is a comic series or topic you would like to hear us cover on the podcast, reach out to us on  Twitter @2mancomicbook , or  Instagram @2mancomicbookclub .

Episode 17: Ms. Marvel #3 (2014)

In Episode 17, Alex and Drew continue their discussion of Ms. Marvel with issue #3. Kamala is still discovering her powers, and we're still discovering the amazing and detailed art in this great books! And make sure to stay to the end to hear an epic upset to the balance of power in the Lightning Round Trivia portion of the episode!! Do you have favorite panels from Ms. Marvel or favorite Easter eggs from within the panels? Share them with us here or on social media! We would love to talk about the amazing art in upcoming issues! And as always, if there is a comic series or topic you would like to hear us cover on the podcast, reach out to us on  Twitter @2mancomicbook , or  Instagram @2mancomicbookclub .

Let's Take a Look Back

When Alex and I started recording this podcast I knew that September and October were going to be a challenge. Those are some of the main months of "marching band". Alex works with a few different marching bands as a percussion teacher (as well as taking a full load of classes at the University of Arkansas) and I drop in to help a few too (as well as playing in 3 different musical ensembles and writing music full time). Marching band's main scheduling difficulty is that it eats up most afternoons during the week in some way, so those are off the board for recording. Very soon, competitions will take over all the weekends as well. So unless we are able to meet on a week day during the middle of the day, recording new episodes is proving to be quite difficult. I thought I would take this stretch of weeks when we might or might not be able to release episodes each week to talk about my love for superheroes in print form. I remember reading comics as a kid (late eleme...
In Episode 16, Alex and Drew have a freeform chat about various topics and comic book news. Including: The Mount Rushmore of MCU Movies, Comic/Movie News, Homemade Superheroes, and the Sony/MCU news (before the real decision was made) What would be on your MCU Mount Rushmore? Did you make up any superheroes as a kid (or adult)? How do you feel about the Spider-man/MCU split? Reach out on social media and let us know! And as always, if there is a comic series or topic you would like to hear us cover on the podcast, reach out to us on  Twitter @2mancomicbook , or  Instagram @2mancomicbookclub .