In today's episode, we have our final installment for Black History Month with the emotionally gripping, "Truth: Red, White, & Black", which follows several characters, including Isaiah Bradley. Which, if you watched the recent Disney + show "Falcon and Winter Soldier", you saw was a forgotten/covered-up Captain America back in the 40's. We don't want to give it all away here, but trust us, it is worth the read!! Creative Credit Written by Robert Morales Penciller(s) Kyle Baker Inker(s) Kyle Baker Letterer(s) Wes Abbott Colorist(s) Kyle Baker Editor(s) Axel Alonso John Miesegaes We hope you'll check it out! Check our youtube channel to see this episode in video form when it is released! 2 Man Comic Book Club YouTube Channel Is there a comic series you would like us to cover on the show, or a topic you would like us to discuss? There are several ways for you to reach out to us! We'd ...