My name is Drew Morris. I was once in a book club with one other guy (which we called the 2 man book club). We read a The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, and then Huckleberry Finn. We never really met to talk about them in the way most book clubs actually work. We just read them and occasionally made jokes to each other about them. (And sang the "Freebootin'" song from the Tom Sawyer musical, which we came across while reading it).
Several years later, my friend Alex Miller told me that I should get a subscription to Marvel Unlimited so I could read comics again. After a little thinking, I did, and jokingly said that we should start a 2 man comic book club.
The 2 man comic book club started in much the same way as my 2 man book club. Alex and I would tell each other about comic books that we should check out, we would read them, and talk briefly about them when we ran into each other.
Fast forward a year or so, Alex texts me one morning saying we should start a podcast.
The remainder of the day was a whirlwind of texts with different ideas for the podcast.
(By the way, T-woman comic book club podcast is a reference to us making a hashtag that said #twomancomicbookclub which we both thought looked like T-Woman instead of two man, which we thought was funny... we have adjusted it to be "2mancomicbookclub" since then)
We ended up meeting for lunch that day and setting the plan in place that would eventually become the "2 Man Comic Book Club Podcast"
We read comics and then record ourselves chatting about them. Our podcast is geared towards casual readers like ourselves who would like to learn more about the world of comic books.
If you want to follow along on our journey, follow us on Instagram at and Twitter at to be kept in the loop of what we're reading.
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