In Episode 20 we decided to have an unplanned-unstructured chat where we listed 20 different things we think our listeners should check out. Some have been covered on the show, some haven't. Some might be controversial, and some are no-brainers. In the last segment, we also watched the Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker trailer for the first time and reacted to it live. We even gave a countdown to hitting play so you can watch it right alongside us! I am going to include the list of the 20 things at the bottom of this post so you can feel free to give it a look before or after you listen to the episode. As always, if there is a comic series or topic you would like to hear us cover on the podcast, reach out to us on Twitter @2mancomicbook , or Instagram @2mancomicbookclub . Continue Scrolling if you want to have the list spoiled for you. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spoiler Alert!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . And the Episode ...