Hey 2 Man Fans!
We're excited to discuss a topic we've been thinking about for a while in this new episode.
What is the most important Infinity Stone in the MCU?
We are also excited to welcome our first call-in guest today, Nik Kennett!
We discuss the different stones and their powers and then talk through our own opinions on the question. We hope you enjoy this little tangent episode. We plan to be back next week with a return to the discussion of House and Powers of X!
Which Infinity Stone do you think is the most important in the MCU? Reach out to us and let us know! Find us on Twitter @2mancomicbook, Instagram @2mancomicbookclub, Facebook @2mancomicbookclub, or email us at 2mancomicbookclub@gmail.com.
We would love to hear from you!
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